The “It’s a Baby” campaign is a powerful step toward reclaiming the dignity of every life

“It’s positive. We’re having a FETUS!”, a wife reveals as she steps into the room holding her pregnancy results. Other situations play out on screen; from a couple cherishing an ultrasound to a woman proudly wearing a “Fetus on Board” T-shirt. The ad sends a clear message: it’s a baby, not a clinical term. This is the new campaign that is changing the conversation around abortion terminology.

Focus on the Family launched this inspiring campaign. Timed with the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court case that overturned Roe v. Wade, the “It’s a Baby” campaign is making viewers think. This powerful initiative challenges society’s perception of unborn children by reclaiming the word “baby” and emphasizing the sanctity of life.

The 60-second ad features powerful scenes that capture the joy, anticipation, and humanity of pregnancy. Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, points out that even esteemed medical institutions like the Mayo Clinic consistently use the word “baby” to describe developing children. It’s time for all Americans to embrace this truth and recognize the value of accurate language in this critical debate.

The “It’s a Baby” campaign is a powerful step toward reclaiming the dignity of every life. Watch the impactful ad and visit the Focus on the Family It’s A Baby website for great information and resources.

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