Admiral Sponsor – $2,000.00 includes 10 Fish Fry for Life tickets and acknowledgement of your donation at the dinner.

Captain – $1,500.00 includes 8 Fish Fry for Life tickets and acknowledgement of your donation at the dinner.

Commander – $500.00 includes 6 Fish Fry for Life tickets and acknowledgement of your donation at the dinner.

Ensign – $300.00 includes 4 Fish Fry for Life tickets and acknowledgement of your donation at the dinner.

Please fill out the form below.
Make checks payable to: RTL Ed, Inc.
P.O. Box 11104
Bakersfield, CA 93389

Credit Card payments can be made online
or by calling RTLKC at 661-864-7508

EIN #47-125306

Right to Life of Kern County
P.O. Box 11104
Bakersfield, CA 93389
[email protected]

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