Our Mission is to promote respect for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
Right to Life of Kern County is a pro-life advocacy and educational organization that advocates for life-affirming alternatives to abortion and assisted suicide. By engaging in public education and grassroots lobbying efforts, we inform the public on these issues and urge elected officials to uphold policies that value the sanctity of life. We also promote healing services for anyone injured in heart, mind, and body by participation in such attacks on innocent human life.
Although we work with and enjoy the support of many local churches, we are not affiliated with any denomination or political party.
Participants who wish to be involved in RTLKC’s campus outreach must complete either the one-day intensive training or the six-week program.
Participants who wish to be involved in RTLKC’s campus outreach must complete either the one-day intensive training or the six-week program.
One of our main goals at RTLKC is to keep the community informed on issues that affect life at all stages. In an effort to educate and engage our community, our Executive Director is available to speak at your event or leadership meeting. Contact Judy Goad if you are interested in having her speak at your event. 661-864-7508.
Or call 661-864-7508